16th November 2018, en News
Ecofira has celebrated its 16th edition, receiving the innovations and leading proposals in the topic of circular economy. This international fair was celebrated during 6, 7 and 8th of November, meeting companies, public entities, technicians and sector professionals to discover new environmental solutions.
This event is pioneering in the dissemination of alternatives in waste recycling and original proposals to conserve environment. Moreover, it included workshops and conferences to promote and guide visitors to a more sustainable future.
The network of technological institutes REDIT has facilitated an area where more than 60 companies have described their projects. AIDIMME exhibited different research initiatives, including LIFE EMPORE and the methodology to remove emerging pollutants.
EMPORE (ref. LIFE15 ENV/ES/000598) is co-financied by LIFE+2015 Call, The LIFE Programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action. The project is due to last 36 months, with a total budget of 1.783.824€.
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