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Life Empore


The project implementation has been 40 months, from August 2016 to December 2019.
The main actions of the project are the following:

Evaluation of the situation on emerging pollutants in Europe

Done it

This action focuses on gathering information about the description of the situation regarding emerging pollutants in Europe.

Characterization of water samples

Done it

During twelve months, an analytical campaign will be carried out at the influent and effluent of Benidorm WWTP.

Pilot plant design

Done it

According to the results obtained in the characterization of water samples, in this action shall be designed the most appropriate unit operations for the treatment of the pre-selected emerging pollutants.

Pilot plant implementation
and set up

Done it

In this action, the implementation and set-up of it will be carried out in order to have the pilot plant available for the demonstration action.


Done it

This action includes the operation of the pilot plant to demonstrate the removal of these compounds.

Technical-Economical feasibility analysis

Done it

In this action, a study of the technical-economic impact of the emerging pollutants removal will be carried out.

Dissemination and transferability of the project results

Done it

The dissemination of the main project results and lessons learnt at national and international levels aims to raise awareness and demonstrate the effectiveness of project results.

Networking with other LIFE projects and/or non-LIFE prpojects

Done it

This action is and important activity so as to exchange good practices and synergies, opportunities and new methodologies related to the scope of the LIFE-EMPORE project.

After Life

In progress

Comunication of the results and transferibility of the methodology

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