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Life Empore


LIFE External Monitoring Team of the European Commission visits LIFE EMPORE Project

28th February 2019, en News

LIFE External Monitoring Team of the European Commission visits LIFE EMPORE Project

Thursday January 17th, LIFE EMPORE Project received a visit from the LIFE External Monitoring Team of the European Commission. The representative of EASME, Malgorzata Pietcha, and the monitor of the external team of NEEMO-IDOM, María Rodríguez, were in charge of visiting the pilot plant located in Benidorm WWTP. Representatives of the associated beneficiaries; EPSAR, AIDIME, University of Alicante, CONSOMAR, S.A. and Stichting IHE Delft (UNESCO), attended the event as well.

Keeping up with the purpose of the visit, a meeting was held to share the achievements of the objectives set for the estimated terms and the results obtained up to this moment. One of the accomplished objectives during this period was the start up of the pilot plant and its following automation. During the meeting, results related to the elimination of emerging pollutants and quality improvement of treated water were presented together, in regards to reusing used water in a safe way.

Besides checking the evolution of the pilot plant, the future actions that need to be carried out during this phase of the project were also explained. Among the tasks to be executed in the coming months is the evaluation of the transferability of the technologies tested in other European Union countries. The study of the feasibility of transferring and replicating methodologies developed for wastewater treatment with higher concentrations of emerging pollutants, such as hospitals, nursing homes and pharmaceutical industries is another task to be implemented.

EMPORE (ref. LIFE15 ENV/ES/000598) is co-financied by LIFE+2015 Call, The LIFE Programme is the EU’s funding instrument for environment and climate action. The project is expected to last 36 months, with a total budget of 1.783.824€.

Visit to LIFE EMPORE pilot plant

External Monitoring Team of the European Comission visits LIFE EMPORE Project

Results of the LIFE EMPORE project

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